Visit Us

To join our Pre-School, you will need to complete a Registration Form which can be found here.
Visit the Pre-School
You can organise a visit to the Pre-School by contacting the Pre-School Manager and she will arrange a time for you to see the setting whilst it's in full flow. You will be able to meet the team and ask any questions you might have.
Open Morning
If you would like to visit the Pre-School then please let us know by contacting the Pre-School Manager on 07546215824 or at the above email address.
Starting Pre-School
We recognise that starting Pre-School can be daunting. Some children settle very quickly, whilst other children can take longer to adjust to new surroundings and the big step of leaving parents. We know how hard it can be, so to help your child settle, we offer a visit to your home to get to know your little one, followed up with two visits to Pre-School before your child starts. If necessary, you can also stay for the first few sessions during the settling in period.